New writing from Dundee
Published 22nd April is DD3Writers - a brand new collection of short stories written by people from Dundee, most are new voices including a piece by little old moi and with a foreword from Andrew Murray Scott, winner of the first Dundee Book Prize. I met Andy through college and he encouraged me to submit a piece of my work to this book. It's always great to see Dundee writers in print, and hopefully my novel will be finished in time for the next Dundee Book Prize! Please buy th ebook, or beg, steal or borrow it - just as long as your read it; there are some good works of fiction in it. The book is available online via Amazon, also at selected stores in Dundee. The Book Launch takes place on the 22nd April, but meanwhile checkout the website for details and excerpts or read on for an excerpt from my piece entitled Voices.
"At home, I turn off all the lights. It’s not a fact that ghosts like the dark, but more paranormal things happen with the lights dimmed. I saw that on a ghost documentary once. So I sit in the big armchair in the far corner of the room, in the near-dark of six o’ clock on an October night. I can see the door, the curtains and the clock from my chair. Yesterday the clock stopped at six. The hands were frozen. And now it works, ticking along oblivious. I think it’s significant. You see, he left me at six. On the sixth of the month. There’s a connection there. I’ve read about this stuff. Connections, coincidences, they all mean something. One night, the curtains moved. Like something was travelling through them, they fluttered from one end to the next. I checked for open windows. Every one was closed. This is why I think he’s trying to make contact. So I’ve made it my ritual, to sit here, before six has come and until it’s gone."
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